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BTS Director wins CII Layborn Prize, for the best result in the Pensions and Retirement Planning unit R04  

When the CII contacted BTS Director, Luiza Todd, with the news that she had been awarded the Layborn Prize for the best result in the Pensions and Retirement Planning unit R04, we were all thrilled. Luiza is our pensions expert and R04 is her absolute favourite subject to coach and write study materials for (Luiza also writes our R01, R05 and R06 materials!). 

Candidates and clients are always amazed when we tell them that the BTS Directors and question designers sit the R0 exams every year, after all, they have nothing to prove. So, why do they do it?

BTS Director wins CII Layborn Prize, for the best result in the Pensions and Retirement Planning unit R04 2021


Top of the list is integrity. Assuring our candidates that BTS exam support is top quality and as exam standard as possible, not only on the technical areas examined in the R0 papers but also the exam experience itself. We believe in walking the walk alongside our candidates, ensuring our advice and guidance is fit for purpose and as up to date as it can be.

For anyone thinking there was a bit of an unfair advantage, given Luiza’s professional background as an R04 specialist, the CII awards team reassured us that this award is well and truly deserved given Luiza’s outstanding R04 exam result and is testament to her commitment to the subject that she trains on.

The prize money has been donated to a charity close to BTS’ heart, and the certificate will hold pride of place in the BTS office.

BTS candidates can feel safe in the knowledge that the designers of their study materials really are R0 exam experts.

About the CII Awards

The Chartered Insurance Institute has awarded 34 prizes for the exceptional completion of the professional body’s qualifications during the coronavirus pandemic in 2020.

The CII Examination prizes, which have been handed out annually since the professional body was formed in 1912, are given to candidates who achieved the highest performance in their exam sittings and were judged to have produced the greatest standard of coursework.

A full list of winners across all categories can be viewed here: CII applauds professionals for top exam performance


View Our R04 Exam overview/toolkit to purchase any R04 Study support including Study Guides, e-Learning modules, online workshops and study buddy. 

Find out more in depth help and advise to structure your R04 studies by viewing our R04 Study Plan.

Browse all R0 Exams, including an overview of each and exam resources BTS supply to help you pass your R0 exams.

Read our FAQ’s on Booking a CII exam to be confident when booking your next exam.

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