Let’s talk about deferred success

Let’s talk about deferred success

In a second article for Mental Health Awareness Week, Luiza Todd, BTS Director, shares her views on supporting candidates when it comes to deferred success. Let’s start with a few questions What is important to an exam candidate / corporate Academy? Is it all about first time exam pass rates and successes? How do you […]

R0 Revision Workshop Timetable

R0 Revision Workshop Timetable 2022

BTS launch Revision Workshop Timetable for 2024 BTS is holding online revision workshops (using Zoom) for candidates who are studying for and taking the CII examinations. The timetable  has now been released for booking and, with spaces limited, these tend to book up quickly. See the full timetable and book a space on a workshop […]

How to Pass the CII R04 | Why does this Exam have the Lowest Pass Rate?

How to pass the CII R04 Why does this exam have the lowest pass rate

The Chartered Insurance Institute (CII) R04 Pensions and Retirement Planning unit now has the lowest countrywide pass rate. Why? More importantly, how do you increase your chances to pass the CII R04 exam? The CII pensions unit had a countrywide pass rate of 61% in the 2020 calendar exam year. This is a unit that […]

How to Pass the CII R04 | Acing the Exam with the lowest National Pass Rate

How to pass the CII R04 Acing the exam with the lowest national pass rate

Why is the R04 exam difficult to pass? The main reason that the CII R04 exam is so difficult to pass is the sheer volume of pension information candidates must learn, understand and be able to apply. Whoever coined the phrase ‘pension simplification’ needs a good kicking. We think HMRC must be having a good […]

How to Pass the CII R04 | Demystifying the Annual Allowance and Lifetime Allowance

How to pass the CII R04 Demystifying the Annual Allowance and Lifetime Allowance

Despite HMRC attempts to keep things simple, it’s a well-known issue that pensions are anything but. The theory is, if we can make pensions easier to understand then more clients will contribute towards their retirement planning, easing the financial burden on the state. In our view, the government still have a long way to go […]

What is the Best Order to Sit the CII R0 Exams in?

What is the best order to sit the CII R0 exams in

BTS Director Luiza joined Sam Oakes from the Financial Planner Life Podcast to discuss one of the most commonly asked questions about studying for the CII R0 exams: What is the best order to sit the CII R0 exams in? 1. Is there a one size fits all approach to the right order? That’s a very […]

Top Tips for Dealing with an R0 Remote Exam Glitch

Top tips for dealing with an R0 remote exam glitch

Although much improved, the CII PSI remote exam system is still causing some candidates unwanted stress due to exam glitches. Whilst the CII continue to improve the system, there are some things you can do to help yourself in the event of a system glitch. If you have a remote PSI exam coming up, check […]