Creating a profile on the Careers Zone allows you to choose to share your details with some / all of the Featured Companies registered on the Careers Zone, a bit like an informal CV.
If you see a firm that you like the sound of, you can find out more about them by reading their profile and, if you want to explore their career opportunities further, you can opt to share your profile with their recruitment team. Think of it as online networking!
Note – Your profile is only visible to Featured Companies that you have chosen to share it with. It is not visible to other users. You can update your sharing preferences at any time in the ‘Connect with Featured Companies’ tab below.
View our privacy policy for more information around how we use your data.
By choosing to Connect with Featured Companies you can opt to share your profile information with all / some of the Featured Companies registered on the Careers Zone.
Who can see my profile?
You are in control of who can see your profile. Only the Featured Companies you have selected will be able to view your profile information and you can update your choices at any time.
What happens when I choose to connect with a Featured Company?
Connecting with a Featured Company allows the company to view the information you have put in your profile and contact you about your interest in their career opportunities, should they consider you a good match. Any communication after this point is directly between your and the Featured Company.
Can I remove myself from Connecting with Featured Companies if I change my mind?
Yes. You can remove yourself from Connecting with Featured Companies if you change your mind or are no longer looking for a new role. If you remove yourself from Connecting with Featured Companies, any Featured Company you have previously shared your profile with will no longer be able to view your profile on the Careers Zone.
Top tips for making your profile stand out when Connecting with Featured Companies:
Remember, you can decide to complete as much or as little of your public profile as you like and you can update it at any time. View our privacy policy for more information around how we use your data.
We invite Featured Companies to share articles and contribute to webinars and podcasts discussing roles and opportunities in the sector, including ‘A Day in the Life of…’ profiles from members of their team talking about what it’s really like to work in the sector.
If you're looking for your next move in financial planning, you can choose to share your profile information with some / all of these companies by connecting with them.
If you want to connect with featured companies you must select your career preferences in order to be matched to potential vacancies. If you don't select your career preferences your profile will not be shared with your chosen Featured Companies.
Indicating your career preferences also allows us to tailor the content you see on the Careers Zone to what’s important to you. You can still see all the other content too, but topics that match your career preferences will always be high up the list of what you see. You can update your Career Preferences at any time.