Discussion rules
By registering with this forum you agree to abide by the discussion rules.
These include:
Registration and usage
Contributing to this web forum is available to registered users of the BTS Careers Zone.
Within your Careers Zone Profile we hold details of your name and valid email address. This information will not be publicly available within the forum, therefore a user name will be required in order to engage in the forum. Please ensure that your user name does not contain any information that would identify you as an individual.
Comments are not pre-moderated before being posted on the discussion forum, however BTS reserves the right to moderate posts on a regular basis. If, in the opinion of BTS, your comments breach the discussion rules, they will be removed and you will be invited to resubmit your comment after making appropriate changes. Continued posting of unacceptable comments will result in your profile being barred from the discussion forums.
Additionally, individual users will have the ability to report comments to BTS that they feel are in breach of the discussion rules.
Privacy policy
BTS act as Data Controllers under the Data Protection Act 1998, and the information you share will fall within the scope of this legislation.
Your information will be processed in line with our current Privacy Policy. Access to the personal data you provide will be securely controlled and all processing will be undertaken in accordance with, and as permitted by, the requirements of the Data Protection Act
1998 (DPA).