The results from the January CII R06 sitting are due to be released on the 4th March, a little over five weeks after the exam sitting. Whilst we wait for the results, and the detailed CII examiner’s report, the technical team at BTS have already started to look over the questions that came up on the paper.
Reflecting on our analysis of the case studies and the questions that appeared on the paper on the day is a key part of how we keep our support as relevant and exam-standard as possible. So, after all the analysing BTS carried out, what was the exam paper like on the day?
The paper was the usual mix of questions and areas we had predicted and built into our analysis. Let’s take another look at the January case studies, the technical areas predicted within them, and the questions asked on the R06 exam paper.
Possible technical areas BTS recommended candidates revised:
Questions that came up for CS1 Vidas and Viktoria included:
Possible technical areas BTS recommended candidates revised:
Questions that came up for CS2 Tom and Clare included:
An R06 pass requires three things:
If one of these elements goes awry, then a candidate is likely to have to resit the R06 exam. To help you to build your R06 study plan, again we have put together a range of study and training options in our BTS R06 Study Toolkit.
View Our R06 Exam overview/toolkit to purchase any R06 Study support including Study Guides, e-Learning modules, online workshops and study buddy.
Find out more in depth help and advise to structure your R06 studies by viewing our R06 Study Plan.
Chat with other R06 candidates in the dedicated BTS R06 online forum room to help keep up to date , find out any new information and gain help and advise from others.