This exam can be sat throughout the year, 7 days a week.
This study plan is based on 100 hours of study time over an 8 week period. The CII recommendation is 100 hours of study time, however this is only an indication of how long you will need. You may take more or less time than this depending on your prior knowledge and experience, and work/study/home commitments.
Our student-led forums are a space for you to chat to other candidates about all things study and exam.
Click on the ‘BTS Forums’ in the menu on the left and check out the CF6 forum.
There is no avoiding a thorough study of the syllabus. There are 16 learning outcomes in the CF6 syllabus. Learning outcomes 1-15 makeup the first 100 multi choice exam questions. Learning outcome 16 is the 25 case study questions. There is nothing new to learn for learning outcome 16; it is more about being able to apply your knowledge from all the previous learning outcomes to case study scenarios.
Start by working through the BTS study guide covering the full exam syllabus and guidance on the necessary exam question answering techniques.
Use the exam style questions in your study guide concentrating on the heaviest-weighted learning outcomes. Practise as many exam-standard questions as you can before the real thing. It is good practice to start attempting past paper exam questions when you are around two-thirds of the way through the study guide. Use them to review your weaker areas and target your study.
Having an exam date booked can help to focus your study goals.
You may take more or less time than this depending on your prior knowledge and experience, and work/study/home commitments.
The CF6 exam lasts for three hours. The paper is split in two sections: Sections A and B.
Section A consists of 100 multiple choice questions.
Section B consists of 5 case studies, each followed by 5 multiple choice questions.
If you do have a deferred success on this exam, have a look at your exam feedback to see where you dropped the most marks. For example, scoring less than 50% on LO11 is less of a concern than scoring less than 50% on LO14.
This CF6 study plan has been designed by the team at BTS. Our highly-qualified and experienced team sit the Chartered Insurance Institute (CII) Level 4 and Level 6 exams annually. This helps to ensure that the materials we produce are as up to date and ‘exam style’ as possible for our customers.
The BTS resources provide a structured study path through the CF6 syllabus, covering both the technical knowledge and exam technique required to achieve a pass.
Below you will find an overview of the BTS recommended study plan with details of how the BTS materials can be used to support your learning. You don’t need to use every element, but we recommend starting by working through the BTS study guide. Then attending a two day revision workshops. The Study Buddy app is designed to be used to practise exam-standard questions, little and often from the mid-way point in your study plan.
What is the aim of this guide?
As you read each chapter of the guide you will gradually work through the CF6 syllabus and practise the necessary exam question answering techniques, using:
You should aim to complete at least 2/3 of your wider study before attempting mock papers.
What is the aim of the app?
The BTS Study Buddy app replicates the CII exam standard as closely as possible.
Exam bookings are made directly with the CII.
Before booking an exam, candidates must purchase the unit from the CII website.
There is an option to purchase ‘assessment only’ which means just the exam sitting. This allows candidates to purchase study materials elsewhere, e.g. BTS.
Information and guidance on booking and sitting your exam can be found in our Exam FAQs: