Any R03 student will tell you, the exam questions can be so lengthy it can be difficult to know which information to include in your calculations. Not good when you have the added time pressure of this 1 hour exam!
Continuing BTS’ series of exam-based articles for Professional Paraplanner Magazine, BTS Director Jeff Scholes answers the question:
You can read the full article here:
Where do I start with wordy R03 questions? –
Jeff is also responsible for writing and updating the BTS R03 materials, including our banks of exam-standard R03 exam questions on the BTS R0 Study Buddy app. Available on the App Store and Google Play.
View Our R03 Exam overview/toolkit to purchase any R03 Study support including Study Guides, e-Learning modules, online workshops and study buddy.
Find out more in depth help and advise to structure your R03 studies by viewing our R03 Study Plan.
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