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Is an Exam Remark Worth the Money?

It’s a common question that BTS are asked by candidates in the unfortunate position of deferred success. So, what does BTS think? Here’s Director, Luiza Todd’s thoughts…

We have just been through the autumn R06 and advanced exam results season. That 6-8 weeks to get your results does seem to stretch out in front of us doesn’t it? But at the same time, in practice does tend to go by quite quickly.

Results day comes around – the agonizing wait for 8am, with logging into the CII website, going onto the relevant page…seeing that countdown clock! I remember looking at my results with one eye open initially, with my heart thumping in my chest! Always nerve-wracking…

As tends to be the case, the recent round of results saw some candidates pass their relevant exam units whereas others deferred their success, some only by a few marks. Passing an exam takes a robust study plan, the right materials / support and a lot of work. ‘Winging it’ is not a study strategy any L&D firm such as Bespoke Training Solutions would recommend. You just have to look at the pass rates for some of the advanced units to understand they are a tough ask (and so they should be).

Is an Exam Remark Worth the Money?
AF Unit 2021 2021 BTS Comments
AF1 43% 42% - Historically a very tough paper.
- Have to know a lot about tax including some right relatively obscure stuff!
AF4 50% 57% - Slightly higher pass rate with this unit.
- Very wide-ranging syllabus – there are loads of different investment types (and you have to know about all of them).
AF7 56% 61% - Pass rates have increased in the last couple of years, they used to languish down at the 43% range so have increased by around 43%.
- Still a tough paper – the section on COBs is horrid (and very dull).

BTS have found over the last couple of years that some candidates, deemed quite far away from the required score, have had their mark overturned. We have seen candidates anywhere up to 13 marks away get their initial mark uplifted to a pass. Yet sometimes, those only 1 or 2 marks away haven’t. It’s always a gamble to go for a re-mark, but sometimes it pays off!


How close to the pass mark do you need to be to stand a chance?

BTS have found over the last couple of years that some candidates, deemed quite far away from the required score, have had their mark overturned. We have seen candidates anywhere up to 13 marks away get their initial mark uplifted to a pass. Yet sometimes, those only 1 or 2 marks away haven’t. It’s always a gamble to go for a re-mark, but sometimes it pays off!

How can the examiner miss so many marks first time around?

We can’t confirm, but we have a good idea why. Initially a candidate’s paper is marked by a standard examiner using the CII model answers. If a candidate has written a cracker of an answer but it ain’t one of the model answers, it’s likely that no marks will be awarded.

A senior examiner, however, will have more license to award a candidate marks for the cracking points made, that are not on the CII’s model answers sheet… So, a bit more leeway…

A tip here: Do make sure you look back at as many exam papers as you can, taking note of the examiners’ comments but also. The model answers. The closer your answers are to the model answers, the better. Also put yourself in the examiner’s shoes, try to make it easy for them to give you the marks.

Let’s take a bit more of a look at costs, timescales etc…

Subject BTS Comments
Costs £90 for a remark
Timeframe to apply for a remark Must apply within 4 weeks from the release of original result
Time taken to get a paper remarked - Up to 35 calendar days.
- Often results are received faster than this, in most cases.
Where to apply
If your paper is overturned? - Remark costs will be refunded, so that £90 you paid.
- Plus, a refund of the exam entry fee (if a candidate has rebooked on the back of a deferred success result).
- It needs to be made clear to the CII, that a candidate has booked an exam resit as well as a remark.

What about AF8 assignment remarks?

These are well worth the monies they cost. The examiner will give you a really good idea of what you did right (so leave that alone) plus where you went awry. Without paying for a remark the CII feedback is sparse and not that helpful.

Additional feedback is very valuable, as this pensions unit:

· Is worth 30 advanced credits.

· Is notorious for being difficult to know what to do and how to do it assignment wise.

· Does not give much away in terms of what good looks like. We have three CII exemplars and that is it. Not that much to go on at all…

What about if your initial mark is not overturned?

It is still, in our opinion, worth the monies to get that more detailed feedback. It is difficult to remember what you typed and what you missed so many weeks after the exam sitting. This feedback, even if you don’t have your score upgraded, will highlight the answers you got marks for, that matched the CIIs model answers, and the areas that you missed. Invaluable for your next go.

If you want to chat this through with someone from Bespoke Training Solutions, you know where to find us. We are always happy to have a natter:

  •  01748 822777


Find out more in depth help and advise to structure your Advanced Diploma AF studies and increase your chances of passing by viewing our AF1, AF4, AF5, AF7 and AF8 Study Plans.

Read our FAQ’s on Booking a CII exam to be confident when booking your next exam.

View Our Advanced Diploma AF Exams overview/toolkits to purchase any AF Study support including Study Guides, e-Learning modules, online workshops and study buddy for AF1, AF4, AF5, AF7 and AF8.

Read another insightful article on ‘The Importance of a Study Plan’ to find out more about information on how using a Study Plan can help to increase your chances of a 1st time Pass. 

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