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10 most frequently asked questions about the R0 Exams | Professional Paraplanner Magazine

In a recent article for Professional Paraplanner magazine, Alex Langhorn, head of Business Support, sums up the 10 most frequently asked questions about the R0 exams BTS has been asked over the past year.

“I’m new to the financial services sector, where do I start when studying for the R0 exams?”

When the support team at BTS receive an email or telephone call starting with this question, our hearts do a little dance of joy as it means the person on the other end of the enquiry has reached out for support right at the start of their journey. Why is this a good thing?

Well, there are quite a few options on the market when it comes to R0 study support (not just the examining body’s study materials, which you don’t have to buy) so the fact that they are shopping around from the off means they will be in a much better position than a candidate who launches headlong into spending hard-earned money on a study plan that may or may not suit them.

10 most frequently asked questions about the R0 exams Professional Paraplanner Magazine

In this R0 Focus article, published in Professional Paraplanner magazine in November 2021, Alex Langhorn discusses the 10 most frequently asked questions about the R0 exams.

  • How do I enrol for the Diploma in Regulated Financial Planning?
  • How do I book an exam?
  • How much does each exam sitting cost?
  • Should I join the CII/PFS?
  • What are the exams like?
  • Where do I start with the material if I have no prior knowledge?
  • How do I build a study plan – and stick to it?
  • What order should I sit the R0 exams in?
  • How long will it take to complete all six units?
  • Where can I find help and support?


You can read the full article here:

Professional Paraplanner Magazine November 2021 – Candidates 10 Most Frequently Asked Questions

BTS R0 Support

We have been supporting the R0 exams for almost 19 years, so we like to think we have a lot of experience and knowledge to share. If you have a question about your own R0 exam study plan, get in touch for a chat with our support team. We talk to candidates every day and can offer advice on how to approach the R0 exams to give you the best chance of a first-time pass.

You can find out more about each exam on our R0 Toolkits pages


View Our R0 Exams overview/toolkits to purchase any R0 Study support including Study Guides, e-Learning modules, online workshops and study buddy for R01, R02, R03, R04, R05 and R06.

Find out more in depth help and advise to structure your R0 studies and increase your chances of passing by viewing our R01, R02, R03, R04, R05 and R06 Study Plans.

Chat with other R0 Diploma candidates in the dedicated BTS R01, R02, R03, R04, R05 and R06 online forum rooms to help keep up to date , find out any new information and gain help and advise from others.

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